Bee-Up for Education

Teaching Conceptual Modelling with the Bee-Up Tool
Bee-Up is an implementation of a hybrid modelling method incorporating and extending several modelling languages that gained wide popularity, namely
- the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
- Event-driven Process Chains (EPC),
- Entity-Relationship models (ER),
- the Unified Modelling Language (UML) and
- Petri Nets.
Additional auxiliary languages, like Flowcharts, are also available. Bee-Up does not enforce a specific procedure when solving a problem. Instead it provides a set of different types of models and tools that can be employed according to the requirements of the task at hand.
Bee-Up is free and available for use in teaching conceptual modelling. Easy and intuitive in use it enables students to
- Design models
- Perform model processing (simulation, analysis, exports)
For more information on Bee-Up contact the Bee-Up OMiLAB team at [enable JS to view this address]