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This webinar introduces the FAIRWork project and its partners. The goal is to provide an overview of the idea and what will be accomplished during the project's runtime. It starts with the introduction of the consortium and the goal of the project. Afterwards the research concept and the use cases will be introduced. Last but not least the planed implementation will be discussed. One core goal of the project is the design and implementation of the Democratic AI-based Decision Support System (DAI-DSS), to improve decision making processes in organisations.
FAIRWork Project Introduction
Presenter: FAIRWork Consortium
A short introduction to the FAIRWork project and its consortium.
Research Concept
Presenter: FAIRWork Consortium
An introduction to the research concept of the project.
Use Case Demonstration
Presenter: FAIRWork Consortium
An introduction to the use cases which will be used as the fundament for the research and implementation within the project.
Presenter: FAIRWork Consortium
An introduction to the architecture and important components of the Democratic AI-based Decision Support System (DAI-DSS).