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Model-based Experiments in FAIRWork utilizing OMiLAB's Digital Innovation Environment (DIEn)


Model-based Experiments in FAIRWork utilizing OMiLAB's Digital Innovation Environment (DIEn)

Organizer: OMiLAB NPO
Date/Time: September 15, 2023 13:30 - 14:00 CET

The OMiLAB Digital Innovation Environment provides capabilities to develop, evaluate and sustain novel ideas in an experimental laboratory setting. Within FAIRWork, the generic structure of DIEn is established as an environment to demonstrate and communicate early ideas with a low TRL as input for refinement and integration into solutions established in the context of the project. Fast prototyping and feasibility assessment is enabled through a common structure of experiments, building on models as an invariant and its model value as processing mechanisms and algorithms on various abstraction levels. Digital twinning is provided on design and physical level, whereas smart models act as mediators between these layers.
In this webinar, we will introduce an experiment showcase in the context of the FAIRWork.


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Digital Innovation Environment Introduction

Case Introduction

Digital Innovation Environment Demonstration