The rise of disruptive business ecosystems introduces new challenges in the development and operation of information systems. Managing change across multidisciplinary teams and leading innovation at a global scale requires new approaches. Design thinking serves as a key instrument to address this complexity, leveraging designer-driven problem-solving techniques for agile ideation, prototyping, and testing. Through stakeholder co-creation, it fosters innovation by visualizing different aspects of a problem within a structured solution space, where collaboration is central.
However, traditional methods are often constrained by the physical presence and availability of stakeholders. Absent participants must be informed later, which is not always seamlessly supported. This hands-on tutorial introduces OMiLAB’s Scene2Model, a software tool that enables the creation of digital twins of design thinking artifacts. These digital representations can be shared across globally distributed teams, information systems developers, and stakeholders, maximizing the potential of collective intelligence and an innovation-driven mindset in the digital age.
In this context, digital twins act as conceptual models that can be refined, enriched with domain knowledge, and integrated with existing business assets. By combining conceptual modeling with design thinking, Scene2Model bridges the gap between freeform design artifacts and structured formal abstractions, enhancing digital agility and fostering innovation in digitial product/service development.
Wilfrid Utz received his PhD from the University of Vienna, Research Group Knowledge Engineering in the field of metamodel design and conceptual structures. He has been involved in international research and innovation projects and gained experience in the field of modeling method conceptualization, meta-model design, and implementation of modeling tools using ADOxx in various application domains. His research and professional interest relate to knowledge representation using metamodeling concepts and platforms.
Iulia Vaidian received her master’s degree at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in Supply Chain Management and gained experience in design thinking, business process management, and conceptual modelling concepts and technologies in her responsibilities as part of the Research Group Knowledge Engineering from the University of Vienna and the OMiLAB team. She is responsible for the organization of the NEMO Summer School Series, has been involved in various EU-funded projects, and coordinates the OMiLAB Community of Practice.