OMILAB@HS Schmalkalden
The OMiLAB@HS Schmalkalden focuses on the creation of software tools that enable practitioners and scientists to flexibly design situation-specific QM methods that build on the potentials of conceptual modeling for documenting, communicating, and processing results.

About the OMILAB Node
The OMiLAB node focuses on the creation of software tools that enable practitioners and scientists to flexibly design situation-specific QM methods that build on the potentials of conceptual modeling for documenting, communicating, and processing results.
- Process-oriented Quality Management
- Method Engineering
- Industry 4.0
About the Hosting Organisation
The Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences offers various study programs on a national as well as international level at its five faculties Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Business and Economics and Business Law.
The OMiLAB node is located at the Faculty of Computer Science and will be used for teaching and research purposes alike.
Get an overview what this OMiLAB has accomplised! Selected results are presented below as a contribution to the global community:

All further results of the OMiLAB Node are via the organizer.
The following, selected activities are organized by the OMiLAB.
Towards Tool-Supported Situational Roadmap Development for Business Process Improvement in the era of Quality 4.0 @NEMO Summer School Series
The following cyber-physical resources are available at the OMILAB node:
Business Layer using SAP-Scenes
Dobot Magician
Proof of Concept Layer CPS-Device
Proof of Concept Layer CPS-Device
Fischertechnik Lernfabrik 4.0
9V – Simulation
Relevant publications of the OMILAB node: