OMILAB@University of Camerino
The OMiLAB Node at the University of Camerino (OMiLAB@UNICAM) aims at fostering the encounter of students, researchers, professors, and practitioners in the sector of model driven engineering and IoT favouring the development and the put in practice of model driven engineering approaches.

About the OMILAB Node
Students and researchers can profit from the devices available to apply the knowledge acquired during the courses offered by the Computer Science department and to develop and test new ideas.
The node grows within the PROcesses and Services Laboratory, which research activities deal with the development of languages and techniques for the modelling, analysis, and development of process-aware information systems and service-oriented applications, with a particular focus on emerging topics such as Blockchain, Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Digital Twin, Process Mining, Artificial Intelligence.
- Business Process Management
- Internet of Things
- Model Driven Engineering
- Blockchain
- Digital Twin
- Process Mining
- Artificial Intelligence
- Low-Code
About the Hosting Organisation
The Computer science division includes senior and young researchers interested in new modelling methods that deal with emerging trends and technologies, such as Digital Transformation, Digital Twins, Industry 4.0, IoT, Cyber-physical Systems, Blockchain, AI, etc.
The group has acquired considerable experience focusing on their increasingly important role in the management and definition of public administration and SME innovation actions thanks to the collaboration with national and local organisations.
Get an overview what this OMiLAB has accomplised! Selected results are presented below as a contribution to the global community:
All further results of the OMiLAB Node are via the organizer.
The following, selected activities are organized by the OMiLAB.
Open Day UNICAM February 2022
NEMO Summer School Series
The following cyber-physical resources are available at the OMILAB node:
Dobot Magician
The Dobot Magician demonstrates sorting and collaborative scenarios.
Makeblock mBot
This CPS is applied for smart mobility application scenarios.
Scene2Model Tool
A tool to support design thinking through collaborative and interactive sessions.
Keyestudio Smart Home Kit
A STEM prototype of a domotic home to learn the Internet of things in a funny and convenient way.
Coex Clover Drones
Clover is an educational kit of a programmable quadcopter that consists of popular open source components, and a set of necessary documentation and libraries for working with it.
Relevant publications of the OMILAB node: